Take Action to Reduce the Threat of Nuclear Weapons​

Our Advocacy Strategy

In line with the Coalition for Nuclear Threat Reductions’s mission, we are planning to focus our policy advocacy efforts on the most urgent challenges, including

  • Building support for U.S. diplomatic engagement with Russia and China on nuclear risk reduction and arms control to avoid miscalculation, reduce arsenals, and prevent arms racing
  • Building support in Congress to block the addition of new nuclear technologies to the U.S. nuclear arsenal which are destabilizing, such as a new nuclear-armed sea-launched cruise missile
  • Mobilizing scientists through initiatives that encourage U.S. and global leaders to reinforce norms against nuclear weapons use and threats of use
A scene from the 1983 film “The Day After” (United Archives GmbH / Alamy Stock Photo)
June 2024

Write to your congressional representatives now and tell them the skyrocketing cost of Sentinel is unacceptable. Urge them to repeal outdated legislation that arbitrarily mandates the deployment of 400 ICBMs. Tell them you support proposals to cut the costs of Sentinel, reduce the number of deployed ICBMs, and phase out ICBMs altogether.

June 2024

Adding a new type of tactical nuclear weapon to the U.S. arsenal would increase the risk of nuclear war, and prompt Russia and China to build up their forces in response. Biden made the right call to cancel the weapon, but Congress reversed that decision last year. This is a dangerous and wasteful decision. Write to your representatives and ask them to stop funding the SLCM-N. 

May 2024

☎️ Tell Congress that Nuclear Victims Deserve Justice

On March 7, the Senate approved S. 3853, which would extend the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) for five years and, crucially, include several populations who were left out of the original program. House Speaker Mike Johnson must agree to bring the Senate bill to the House floor for a vote.

Make a phone call to the office of House Speaker Mike Johnson and ask that he “quickly takes up and passes the RECA expansion and extension bill”.

October 2023

Reducing and eliminating the threats of nuclear weapons is not possible without building bridges for global dialogue and diplomacy among states, particularly those possessing nuclear weapons. Write to your state officials and ask them to sign-on a letter to urge U.S. attendance at important nuclear ban meeting.

April 2023

Adding a new type of tactical nuclear weapon to the U.S. arsenal would increase the risk of nuclear war, and prompt Russia and China to build up their forces in response. Biden made the right call to cancel the weapon, and now we need to make sure Congress doesn’t reverse the decision. Write to your representatives and ask them to block attempts to approve funding for the SLCM-N. 

February 2023

A key building block for more ambitious efforts to reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons threats is steady progress by the United States and Russia to reduce their massive arsenals. That effort is now very much in jeopardy. Write to your representatives and ask them to support nuclear disarmament diplomacy with Russia!