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Indiana University Bloomington – Restraining the New Nuclear Arms Race: What Scientists and Engineers Can Do to Preserve Nuclear Arms Control

Colloquium Abstract  We live in an increasingly dangerous nuclear world marked by the abandonment of hard-won arms-control and nonproliferation agreements; the modernization at a cost of trillions of dollars of existing nuclear arsenals; the development of new types of strategic weapons; and threats to use nuclear weapons that risk escalation to large-scale nuclear war. This […]

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – Global Famine After Nuclear War

National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California

Colloquium Abstract A nuclear war could inject so much smoke from the resulting fires into the stratosphere that the resulting climate change would be unprecedented in recorded human history. Our climate model simulations find that the smoke would absorb sunlight, making it dark, cold, and dry at Earth’s surface and produce global-scale ozone depletion, with enhanced […]